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500 Words
Superheroes and scoundrels.

There’s no place like home—on a new wall in Zion.

Three women head north to Newfoundland for unclimbed granite and massive blueberry patches.

Day Use Only

The Alpine Life
Scheduling the alpine start: Who will crack first?

AAJ Gems
Disco madness: Doug Byerly explores ski descents and the fleshpots of South America.

Whipper therapy: Bad belays, bad spotting, bad habits, and bad-ass secret agent antics captured on video.

Picture This
A love that won’t die in the Sierra.

“It is the nature of the climbing community worldwide that the vision and art of the first ascensionist is respected and celebrated,  because it is a tangible reflection of the potential of that human at that moment in time. It is up to us to live up to that or to put it aside as a wondrous point of inspiration or a mirror for humility—most often both at the same time.” —Duncan Ferguson, responding to the news that bolts had been placed alongside a 30-year-old ice climb

Backclips: Issue 4
500 Words: Jonny and so many others; Far: Two weeks of high pressure in Alaska; AAJ Gems: Lost a crampon at 25,000′? No problem.

Backclips: Issue 3
Near: An action-packed Canadian weekend; Inspirations: Norwegian ice party; Unscripted: Videos from Patagonia.

Backclips: Issue 2
Gems: Chouinard on Yosemite’s Future; Near: Norwegian Ice First Ascent; Far: Nakamura Reveals More of Tibet and China.

Backclips: Issue 1
Inspirations: The Real K2 Heroes; Near: A Sierra First Ascent; Far: A Magnificent Effort in Pakistan